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- - - 2009 Hurricane Season - - -

- Erika's Remnants
  • From: RPetrillo MPuceta <jacumbaatsea at hotmail.com>
  • Date: Fri, 4 Sep 2009 05:23:44 -0700
Well, until the wee hours of Friday morning when the moisture-laden clouds just couldn't take it anymore, we didn't see a drop of rain from Erika. Just eerie clouds and a great sunset. No complaints here!  The capital and higher elevations definitely had some rain yesterday, but it really didn't look any different over there than it normally does during the rainy season. So assuming Erika doesn't do something strange like develop and go backwards (hey, you  never know!), we've cleared that one. Although very dreary this morning, with a light drizzle, we are very much enjoying the cooler temperatures. Will enjoy this while it lasts!

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- Lucky St. Kitts?
  • From: RPetrillo MPuceta <jacumbaatsea at hotmail.com>
  • Date: Thu, 3 Sep 2009 07:44:12 -0700
So far, St. Kitts has escaped unscathed once again. Ana had less punch than typical "Christmas winds," Bill went way north, and Danny formed a nice 80 miles north of us. Erika has been and continues to be a very confusing storm, but at least she's not packing destructive winds.

We are currently sitting on our catamaran at 10:30am in White House Bay watching puffy white clouds come across the mountains on the southern peninsula wondering if we're ever going to see any real weather. Rain & winds picked up around 4:30am this morning, but gusts weren't much over 30 knots and the rain was negligible. Looks like we're going to have a dreary day today, but can only hope to avoid the thunderstorms that were previously predicted.  Being on a sailboat with a 60' aluminum mast surrounded by lightning is not our idea of a good time!  Only time will tell what's to come as this is one excruciatingly slow and confused storm. I think we could walk in front of this thing and not get a drop of rain on us. A sailboat in the harbor next to us grew so confident, they've sailed off for parts unknown.

Friends on-island, in the Frigate Bay area, said they got quite a bit of rain this morning as well as gusty winds, so apparently we all experienced different levels of intensity (the peninsula does tend to be drier).  Most satellite pics show us engulfed by weather, but the National Weather Service San Juan loop clearly shows that the rain is heading south of St. Kitts for now. Well, our rain catchers are out and we'll wait to see what happens.  Our eyes are already fixed on the other swirly blobs coming off of Africa...

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- Erika
  • From: "Dr. Andrew W. Holness" <andrewh2510 at sisterisles.kn>
  • Date: Thu, 3 Sep 2009 07:32:45 -0400
Hi Everyone,
Did it seem to anyone how Erika just seemed to seek out St. Kitts?  Geez..It took a little sniffing around for her to get a bead on us, but here she comes. 
The 'official' reports here did say it was going to be a rainmaker with light winds but it's just daylight now after a not-so-bad night, with very little rain but some hefty gusts. 
 In my neck of the woods there has been no damage I've seen or heard.  I'm going to peek around town in a bit and see the situation. 
Currently conditions are very overcast and still gusty but with Erika's central circulation creeping along to our south I figure things may be like this for most of the morning. 
Andrew at Home
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- Ana and the Kitts
  • From: "Dr. Andrew W. Holness" <andrewh2510 at sisterisles.kn>
  • Date: Mon, 17 Aug 2009 17:49:52 -0400

So it was a ‘only’ a tropical depression but let me tell you, it was enough to remind all who needed reminding that tropical systems are not to be taken lightly, any of them.

 We certainly dodged a bullet last night with Ana weakening over Sunday to a Tropical Depression.

On the north-east side of the Island we felt the gusts and saw the lightning and ducked for cover from the driving rain at about 12midnight. The wind howled and beat the trees and rattled the shutters like ‘it vex’.  

Conditions deteriorated until about 3am when the gusts and rain started to abate.  

Not much in the way of wind or water damage as far as I can see today, and the world – at least in St. Kitts – seemed settled.

I see you Bill, no sneaking around.  Keep your distance and you won’t have to kick our a**es.  Hopefully we’ll have time to catch our breath.


Andrew Holness

Office:  (869) 465-5096-7 |Cell: (869) 662-3274 |Fax:  (869) 465-5094

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